
Behind every service is an interesting idea. The idea behind the kasvinsuojelututkinto.fi was to facilitate the process for individuals to take a plant protection exam, which is a statutory examination for professional users of plant protection products in Finland.

How do you do when you take a plant protection exam digitally?

The plant protection exam.fi has made it as smooth as possible for you to take the plant protection exam through five different steps:

  1. You confirm that you have studied the exam material, which can be found on the Swedish Safety and Chemicals Agency’s (Tukes) website, have been studied
  2. Identify yourself with Suomi.fi with bank codes
  3. You pay for the plant protection examination through Klarnas payment service
  4. You take either the comprehensive or limited exam
  5. You will receive a certificate of the plant protection examination by e-mail when the exam is passed. Approval requires 80 percent correct answers.

More information on plant protection exams can be found on the Turvallisuus- ja Kemikaalivirasto (Tukes) website. There you will also find all the educational material, which you should study before you graduate.

Who is behind Plant Protection Exam.fi?

Developer of Plant Protection Exam.fi is the company Vi & He Consulting, founded in 2016 by Viktor and Henrik Östman. They offer expert services in finance and forestry and both have a long experience in business and digital systems.

Viktor Östman, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Viktor Östman works as the company’s CEO. He has previous experience from other CEO assignments from start-ups. Viktor is an economist and, in addition to the various CEO assignments, has a broad international experience from both investing operations and M&A transaction consulting. As a CEO, Viktor’s biggest tasks are to develop the business, manage the financial data and pursue other CEO related tasks.

How should we contact you?

If you have any questions about how the plant protection exam takes place or in general about the Plant Protection Exam.fi, do not hesitate to contact us through our customer service at: info@kasvinsuojeluainetutkinto.fi or +46 73 623 22 03